Outdoor Adventures

And yet flower petals are falling like a snowstorm

This article was written in March 2021.

Because of COVID-19, people in Japan still forced to live a tough life.
In spite of this situation, the cherry blossom season has arrived as usual in Japan.
Yes, just as the dawn comes every day without fail, there will always come a time when the cherry blossoms will bloom.

In this article, I will share the scenery of Japan from the perspective of a Japanese cyclist, for those overseas who cannot come in.

Expected date of cherry blossom forecast

According to the predicted date of cherry blossom blooming released by Japan’s Weather News, the cherry trees will be in full bloom a little earlier this year than last year.

Cherry blossoms in Japan are in full bloom for a short period of time and then gradually fall off.
Eventually, they disappear when it rains hard.

When they are busy with work, some people cannot see the cherry blossoms in full bloom on their days off.
This is because the time when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom is very short.

In the town where I live, cherry blossoms are in full bloom everywhere

One of the charms of Japan is that if you step out of the city, you can see cherry blossoms close at hand.

There are cherry blossom trees planted all over the town, so I get to see a lot of them while cycling.

The Custom of Loving Cherry Blossoms Seen at Night

Cherry blossoms seen at night are different from those seen in the daytime, and give a bewitching impression.
In Japan, it is called “YOZAKURA” and is very popular.

This cherry blossom “SHIDARE ZAKURA” is not in full bloom yet, so it looks more beautiful when seen in the daytime.
When it is in full bloom, it will look beautiful at night.

I hope that one day many abroad people will be able to enjoy the cherry blossoms again

As far as I could see today, the cherry blossoms were not yet in full bloom.
In April, the Koma Shrine will be decorated with cherry blossoms in full bloom.

I’m thinking of going back to see the cherry blossoms when they are in full bloom.

Information of SAKURA place

Koma Shrine(高麗神社)
8-3-3 Niihori, Hidaka-shi, Saitama-ken 350-1243 Japan

I will continue to do my best to convey the current situation of Japan to everyone as much as possible.

See you again!


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